Differences Between Than and Then

Differences Between Than and Then
Then | Than |
Used to describe: - “He called at 2pm, but I was out then.”
- “First we got married, and then we bought a house.”
- A consequence or condition
- “If my ferry is delayed, then I will miss my meeting.”
| Used to make comparisons - “We have more than one child.”
- “I would rather bake pie than eat salad.”
- “She is a faster runner than he is.”
- “It would be best to leave sooner rather than later.”
Synonyms include: - Next, afterwards, at that time
- In addition
- Accordingly, in that case
| No synonyms |
Almost always functions as an adverb*
*Occasionally, then can mean the same thing as “former.” (In that case, it functions as an adjective.) - Ex. “She travelled to the then USSR.”
- Ex. “He spoke with then President Obama.”
| Functions as a conjunction |
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